Monday, February 23, 2015


I was thinking... 

The month of February is full of holidays: Valentine’s Day, Mardi Gras and President’s Day to name a few.  February is the month where we celebrate Black History and recognize those that have made an impact to this nation and society as a whole.  Innovators like Percy Julian and Booker T. Washington are talked about in schools along with leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Harriet Tubman.  These extraordinary individuals left their imprint on the world and will be talked about for generations to come.  But what history are the youth making today for those of tomorrow? 

I turn on the news, open a newspaper, or listen to the radio and very little impresses me.  Who today will be bold like Rosa Parks and make a stand for injustice?    Who will take on science like Dr. Charles Drew when he started blood plasma banking so that millions of people could live because of blood transfusions?  I ask myself, where are the world changers of today?

I can go through a list of accolades and accomplishments in Black history to astound but will that motivate?  There are opportunities for greatness because of the greats that have laid the ground work.  I came across this video on Youtube that showcased key people in Black history using children of today.   At the bottom of each slide it says, “Because of her (or him) I can”.  We why don’t we?

These individuals made a statement for future generations.   Who will carry the torch for tomorrow’s generations?  Who will make Black history today?

Mending Maria

Monday, February 2, 2015


I woke up Saturday morning and it was if as though I had already started my “to do” list in my dreams.  Before I even made it out of bed I thought of 11 things I had to do.  By noon I had already finished my list and started another one while running around doing my usual Saturday morning errands.   As I stood in the checkout line at the grocery store sandwiched between a Twix display and the Enquirer, it hit me, “I’m exhausted!”    I felt like the lady in the old 80’s commercial asking for Calgon to take her away.   What I needed was a little bit of “me” time.   Ever feel like that?  I don’t need a getaway or a vacation.  I just need to take a break.  I wondered if any of you ever feel like that. 

“Me” time for me is curling up with the latest best seller.  It could be some pampering time at the spa getting a manicure or facial.  “Me” time can also be meeting up with a friend for lunch and just catching up on life.  So to celebrate my upcoming “me” time, I’ve decided to raffle off a gift certificate so one of you can have a little bit of “me” time of your own!  The winner would choose between a gift card from Amazon, Spafinder or Darden Restaurants.    Click here to enter and share it with your friends.  You earn more entries when you do! 

I want to hear from you!  What does "me" time look like for you?  Email me at or send  a tweet @mendingmaria #metime

Mending Maria