Monday, October 31, 2016



We're approaching my favorite time of the year.  Of course all of the retailers are already selling Christmas trees and holiday décor, but let's not forget Thanksgiving.  This is the one time out of the year where families and friends get together and purposely give thanks.  

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November would be a national day of giving thanks to God for the many blessings He has given us.  Many of us go about our lives everyday and focus on the struggles and obstacles in our way.  We take for granted the positives in our lives and often times find it hard to even point them out.  President Lincoln got it right.  Even in the midst of a civil war, he understood the need to find the good and give thanks.  

You may be going through something right now that feels like your own personal war.  Give thanks.  You feel like you are on the front lines and hundreds of flaming arrows are headed your way.  Praise God.  You don't know how you're going to win this fight and the end seems so far away.  Have an attitude of gratitude.     
During the month of November, let's focus on the "wins" in our lives; the victories.   Every day, let's think of one thing to be thankful for and write it down.  It is said that if you do something for 21 days straight, it becomes a habit.  I think having an attitude of gratitude is a pretty good habit to have, don’t you?  

Starting November 1, 2016, send out a tweet of what you are thankful for @mendingmaria using #thankfulNovember.  I want to celebrate the victories with you!  

Mending Maria

Copyright: <a href=''>artulina / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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