Monday, October 27, 2014


Usually when the month of October comes around, the first think people think of is Halloween.  Although the holiday itself is not celebrated until the last day of the month, everywhere you go there is décor of pumpkins and goblins.  However, the month of October is also known for raising social awareness for many different things that affect our lives every day.   For example, did you know that the month of October is dedicated to AIDS awareness?  It is also the month to raise awareness for bullying prevention and dental hygiene awareness.  I want to focus on three other observances that are just as important but sometimes overlooked: breast cancer, domestic violence and pregnancy and infant loss awareness.   

Recognized by the infamous pink ribbon, Breast Cancer Awareness month started in 1985 by the American Cancer Society and a pharmaceutical company known for manufacturing several cancer fighting drugs.  According to, one out of every eight women develops invasive breast cancer. This disease is no stranger to society.  October is dedicated to educating women about the disease and promoting early detection by reminding women to get screened.  Throughout the years, science has learned more about the disease and how to fight it, especially if detected early.  This month, join the cause to get the word out through various events:  marathons, health fairs, mixers, or simply just wear pink.  If you haven’t scheduled your mammogram for this year, do it now.  Remind a mother, a sister a friend.  Early detection can save your life!

Lately, the news has been full of stories of domestic violence involving celebrities.  What about the stories that we don’t hear about?  Domestic violence has been an issue for decades and October is designated for awareness of this social issue.   The statistics of those that are victims of domestic violence are disheartening.  Although mostly associated with women, more men are becoming victims of abuse.  This month, awareness is put forth not only for people to know that the abuse exists, but for the victims to know that there is help.  According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, it is reported that 24 people per minute are victims of domestic violence.  Imagine what the number would be if all instances were reported.  People have to know that there is help.  It starts with knowing if you’re a victim first and then learning how to be a victor.  There are many resources for victims for healing and restoration available.  There is hope!

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month began with President Ronald Reagan when he made his proclamation in October of 1988.  Initially started to shed light on miscarriages and still birth, over the years the month has included awareness to infant loss due SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).  It is said that there is no greater loss than that of a child and the grief is unbearable.  During this month of awareness, parents and loved ones band together to remember their babies and heal together as a community.  With one in every three pregnancies ending in loss, there are millions of people dealing with the emotional shock on a daily basis with no knowledge of hope.  Awareness brings resources and outlets for families to learn to “live” after the loss.  Ronald Reagan said "When a child loses his parent, they are called an orphan. When a spouse loses her or his partner, they are called a widow or widower. When parents lose their child, there isn't a word to describe them."  This month, let us remember not only the babies but the parents and loved ones. 

When the month is over and all of the social events have ended, the causes will still remain.  Don’t hide breast cancer awareness in the back of your mind until next year.  Don’t ignore signs of domestic violence in your life or a loved one’s life until it is too late.  Don’t distance yourself from others after a loss of an infant.  In all of these situations, there is help.  For more information, visit these sites below. 

Breast Cancer

Domestic Violence

Pregnancy and Infant Loss

If you or someone you know has had experience with breast cancer, domestic violence, pregnancy loss or infant loss, I want to pray for you.  Email me at

Mending Maria

Monday, October 20, 2014


     We are at the final stretch of our October challenge: 31 days of RAK (random acts of kindness).  How’s it going?  At the beginning of the month I challenged you to do at least one random act of kindness each day for the month of October.   To add some spice to the challenge, I am giving away a $25 Starbucks gift card at the end of the month.   All you have to do to enter is tweet what RAK you performed for the day to @MendingMaria  and #31daysofrak.  You can also go to and enter on the What’s New page. 
     I love the feedback so far and the stories of how you feel and the reaction of the person you showed kindness too.  It’s funny how something may seem so little to one person but mean the world to another.  For example, a couple of co-workers and I went out to dinner a few days ago and enjoyed a good meal and great conversation.  Towards the end of the evening, one of my co-workers handed me a book.  “I saw this and thought of you.”  It was a book on prayers.  What timing!  I was having a rough week and the gesture was very comforting. Get out of your comfort zone and do something nice.  You never know just who might need a touch of love today!

     Some of you have requested more ideas on what to do.  Here are some more ideas.  Don’t forget to tweet!

  •         Be kind to someone you dislike
  •         Collect food for a food bank
  •         Cook a meal for someone
  •         Give someone a hug
  •         Donate used clothing
  •         Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while
  •         Visit a nursing home or senior center
  •         Write a letter of appreciation
  •         Babysit for a single parent
  •         Bake something for your neighbors
  •         Give a lottery ticket to a stranger
  •         Be someone’s cheerleader
  •         Write a referral for someone
  •         Send someone an ecard for no special occasion
  •         Pay for the person behind you at the drive-thru
  •         Teach someone how to make your favorite recipe
  •         Give someone a makeover
  •         Donate old toys
  •         Invite a friend for dinner
  •         Mentor a teen
  •         Simply say something nice!

       Mending Maria

Monday, October 13, 2014


That moment when you've first been hit and you are not sure exactly what it is.  You start feeling light headed and the pain in your body is almost unbearable.  Sweat beads form on your brow but you feel like you're standing naked in Antarctica.  Your throat is slowly closing up making it impossible to utter a word without sounding like Barry White.  Yes, you've been the flu bug!

I didn't want to skip my blog post for this week since I am under the weather.  Instead, I wanted to send a quick note to tell you to get prepared;  it's flu season!  

This would be the time where I tell you to call your doctor or head down to your local drug store and get your flu shot, but I'm not a fan of needles, so I won't do that.  What I am a fan of are nature's healing powers and today I am going to share my latest discovery with you: The Natural Flu Shot! 

Garlic, ginger, lemon, honey, cayenne, pineapple juice

This concoction requires no prescription or syringe, just a blender and a bed to rest.  You will feel better in no time!  

So this week I am listening to my body and taking a much needed break.  I'll be back in full swing next week with a new post!

Mending Maria

P.S.  What random act of kindness did you perform today?  Tell me on Twitter #31daysofrak.

Monday, October 6, 2014


I was going through old journals and came across something that I wrote over 4 years ago.  Although time has changed and I have grown, God’s Word does not change.  It blesses me every day and I hope this message, based on His Word, blesses you.

Genesis 1:27 tells us that God made us in His image. The Message version says that "God created human beings; He created them godlike, reflecting God's nature". I have read that scripture many times and for some reason it never made sense. I reflect God's nature? How is that possible?

It's amazing how we can go through different situations in our lives over and over again and still not get the lesson that God is trying to teach us. If we were made in His image, why do we measure ourselves against what the world tells us? I went to a wedding today and witnessed two young people professing their love to the world. It was beautiful. One of the groomsman was walking around and approached me and said, "Hello, ma'am. Are you enjoying yourself?" Did he just call me "ma'am"? I chuckled and replied lightheartedly, "I'm having a nice time but you don't have to ma'am me". He said apologetically, "I'm sorry. I keep forgetting when single women come to events like this, they start feeling sad. They pretend like they are in their 20s but they are really in their 60s."

FIFTY? Instantly, the negative thoughts started to run through my head: It must be written all over my face that I am single. That groomsman doesn't even know me but he knew I was single. I must look horrible! I am far from 50! I must look like a pathetic woman that he would come up and see if I am doing ok.... On and on and on. This is where the Lord reminded me of 2 Corinthians 10:5, “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ" (ESV). All of the silly thoughts running through my mind were not from God or of God. If I am made in His image, I am made to be strong, virtuous, righteous, and beautiful. My age doesn't matter, my looks, don't matter, my marital status doesn't matter. All that matters is who I am in HIM and my reflection in the spiritual mirror.

The Lord speaks to us in Songs of Solomon 4:7, "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." (ESV) For some reason though, we are so quick to pick out the flaws according to what the world tells us. If I am to glorify my Lord as I was made to do, I am going to stand on His Word and have the confidence of someone that is a reflection of God's nature. I can't be distracted by idle thoughts that don't fall in line with what my God tells me. I have to keep my eyes on Him and who He has called me to be, not what society says I should be.

So, to that groomsman that assumed I was an older woman and sad to be single at a wedding: I pray that the stereotypes that you have engraved in your mind will be covered with the Word of God. I pray that you come to realize that not every person is who the world says they are. And I pray that you come to know that you too are made in God's image and that the people that cross your path will see God's reflection in you.

Mending Maria

P.S. 31 Days of R.A.K. challenge is on!  Don’t forget to tweet your random acts of kindness and enter to win a Starbucks gift certificate!  Click here to enter: GIVEAWAY